I have noticed quite a bit of focus on the fold for hottub covers. How critical is that when I order my replacement cover?
Bob B. – Denver, Colorado
Hello to Denver!
Your hot ...
Save me Pros!
I have a custom made spa attached to my pool. Consequently I cannot find any seller that would have a template for my spa’s make and model. I am really worried about ...
Good Afternoon Hot Tub Pros,
I have a question, when ordering a replacement spa cover, does it include the inner foam or is it simply a cover that requires the reuses of the existing ...
Hi Hot Tub Pros! I have a question in regards to measuring the flap that goes around my hot tub cover. I am trying to measure the skirt on my hot tub cover and I am not sure if I should ...
Do you have a cover for a Image Renew model 631, IMSB63120???
George Pape
Good question George. Some hot tub cover retailers have a data base of dimensions by spa ...
Melissa writes, “One quick question, how should I measure for my replacement hot tub cover? I do not have an old cover to measure (it was badly torn during a storm). Do you want ...