Your spa cover provides several important services. It retains heat, keeps dirt and debris out of the water and provides safety benefits, guarding against drowning. Hot tub covers can’t do their jobs nearly as well, however, if they are deteriorated, cracked, broken or otherwise compromised. Checking your cover regularly will help ensure that it doesn’t fall below standard while you aren’t looking, but it also means you may need to replace it when you find signs of breakdown.
Luckily you don’t always have to replace your entire hot tub cover. You can buy the outside covering separate from the inside foam or Styrofoam inserts as long as one or the other is still functioning.
Before you decide what to replace, do an inspection. How does your outside covering look? Is it free of rips, tears, mold or anything else that might indicate breakdown? If all looks good on the outside (or if all doesn’t), open up your cover and check. It is unlikely that a shoddy outside will indicate a sound inside, but it’s possible. If your foam inserts are solid and free of mold or moisture, they may be used again. Far more likely, however, is that your vinyl covering will still be good and you will need new foam inserts.
Order Replacement Parts
In either case, order the replacement part you need, making sure to get the right size to match to the parts you are keeping as well as the size of your tub. Unzip the cover, remove the foam inserts, and throw away whatever you aren’t keeping. Replace the cover or foam parts, then test them against your hot tub to make sure the fit is still right.
Periodically Replace Your Cover Entirely
As a final note, you should entirely replace your hot tub cover any time you notice they are no longer performing well. This means when they are leaking heat, cracked, waterlogged, torn, or otherwise damaged. Waiting will only cost you money and more effort later.
Happy Tubbing!
Ethel Elliott